Elite Lifestyle Coach

Life Coaching Packages

Sale price Price $125.00 Regular price Unit price  per 

You know what you want to achieve but are struggling to make choices that will help you get there. You may wish to change your job, become self-employed, start a project that you feel passionate about, relocate, become more confident and positive or make some exciting changes that you have identified as being important to you.


Sessions can take place face to face in Phoenix, over the phone or via Zoom or FaceTime. Each coaching session is 50 minutes long.


A 15-minute call, to ensure that you are making progress towards your goals between coaching sessions.

Package Options:

1 Session Includes:

  • A 50-minute session

    5 Session Package Include:

    • 5 One-on-one 50-minute sessions
    • 1 Catch-up call - 15 min.
    • Sessions must be completed within 3 months.

    12 Session Package Includes:

    • 12 One-on-one 50-minute sessions
    • 3 Catch-up Calls - 15 minutes
    • Sessions must be completed within 5 months
    24 Session Package Includes:
    • 24 One-on-one 50-minute sessions
    • 5 Catch-up Calls - 15 minutes
    • Sessions must be completed within 8 months